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The Court House

Share the Love in Kinross-Shire

If you run any type of accommodation in Kinross-shire, we should talk. Many of the Court House’s diners are tourists. Sometimes they’re passing through and have stumbled upon us. More often, they have reasearched in advance and made a reservation.

We also get a lot of our custom through word of mouth. Happy customers telling their friends, or accomodation providers recommending us.

Accommodation Providers Take Note

We have decided to offer those who provide those services the opportunity to share the love by providing sample menus, coffee loyalty cards and single use discounts for their guests.

If you own a B&B or guest house, or rent out a holiday let or lodge, get in touch. We’ll be happy to drop off some cards and menus to you. We also have sign up cards in the restaurant that you can fill in and drop in the comments box.

Our little town and the businesses in it rely on tourism and we can all help each other. If you join our Accommodation Provider scheme, we in turn will share your business information on our social media channels, giving you additional exposure.

By sharing our strengths we can help make Kinross a real destination and help all the businesses in it to the thrive. Great for us and great for everyone who lives here as facilities improve and job prospects grow.